Heldagseventyr på Indlandsisen | Kangerlussuaq | Vest Grønland

5.0 / 57 Reviews
Marts - Oktober
8 timer
Brugbar information

Tag med på denne eventyrlige udflugt til Point 660, hvorfra du og din gruppe vil drage ud på Indlandsisen. Det er et ægte eventyr at gå blandt smeltevandsdale, gletsjerspalter, krystalklare søer, vandfald og floder. For at gøre dette er crampons og vandrestave nødvendige, og derfor også udleveret. Enhver der er villig til at vandre i 3-4 timer er velkommen på denne tur.

I starter med et infomøde om sikkerhedsudstyret og dagens aktivitet ved polar lodge, hvorefter i hopper ind i et specialiseret 4-hjulstrukket køretøj med panoramiske vinduer så man kan nyde udsigten mens man kører ud i den vilde natur for at komme til isen. Det tager ca. 1 time at køre til Point 660, og er en helt unik oplevelse i sig selv da man ingen andre steder i Grønland kan gøre dette. 

På vandreturen vil du, med gruppen, finde et godt sted at stoppe og nyde den pakkede frokost med en udsigt over den enorme arktiske ørken. På denne tur er der chancer for at se alle mulige former for vildt dyreliv som rensdyr, moskus, arktiske harer, polarræve og mange forskellige fugle og blomster.

Vandrestøvler er et krav for at kunne bruge crampons, her er almindelige sko ikke nok. Vi anbefaler også man tager en åndbar jakke på.


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7 anmeldelser af Heldagseventyr på Indlandsisen | Kangerlussuaq | Vest Grønland

  1. English

    Stefaie Albrecht

    Very good trip! The full day adventure is more value for money than the ordinary trip to the inland ice and Point 66 as you actually spend 3 – 4 hours on the inland ice walking around in crampons which is an experience of itself if you have never used crampons before:) Excellent weather when we did the tour and very good sandwich for lunch included in the price!

  2. English

    Lauren Mor

    Loved this tour! I been on Point 660 tour before but I felt I wanted to spend more time on the ice. And this tour was perfect opportunity as we spend almost 3 hours walking on the ice sheet discovering rivers and blue lakes!
    Our guide was really informative and helpful trough all the trip. We also saw a lot of wild animals on the way to the ice sheet and stop to take some pics. I would 100% would recommend it this trip!!!

  3. English

    Steffen E. Petersen (verificeret ejer)

    A great experience: In spite of a little rain, which turned to snow on the ice, it became a fascinating tour with a perfect guiding all the way around, including good help with the equipment and the walking with crampons under your boot. So thank you to Guide to Greenland and the excellent guide, who obviously lowed his job and the ice.

  4. English

    Giulia Vignati (verificeret ejer)

    Great experience! It is a perfect tour to have a deep enough experience of the ice cap. The hike on the ice lasts about 4 hours so we had the opportunity to see a lot! Our guide Kim was great, he lives there and he explained to us a lot of the history and curiosity about the ice cap and about kangerlussaq too. Highly recommended trip, probably the best thing to do in kangerlussaq!

  5. English

    Seth R.

    Went with my wife in June 2024. We spent over 5 hours on the ice and the guide and most of the group even took turns swimming in the freezing meltwater ponds! Amazing adventure!

  6. English

    LizzyGB (verificeret ejer)

    Fabulous day out on the ice sheet! We had 6 hours I think on the ice itself at the end of September, with a big sandwich and hot chocolate included. Great to be out there for so long, would definitely prioritise this over the 660 trip. Our guide was great, with lots of local knowledge as well as ice sheet knowledge. One member of our group even got into one of the lakes for a swim – so bring your swimsuit and a towel if you’re feeling brave!

  7. English

    Lizzy (verificeret ejer)

    Great day out on the ice sheet, would absolutely recommend as a day trip in Kangerlussuaq. Our guide Pavel was full of glaciar and local knowledge, and we had a lovely sandwich and hot chocolate as well as the 6 hours on the ice. One of us swam in the glacial frozen lake, bring layers if you’re feeling brave!

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