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Verified ownerVerified owner

simpelthen den bedste slædetur man kan forestille sig!

Det er hele pakken, vi blev klædt i de varmeste solskins dragter og varmt tøj til turen!

fantastisk med tid til at lære og hilse på alle de skønne hunde med en fantastisk sød kusk der var rigtig god til engelsk!

og selve turen var bare skøn og meget smuk.

1 month ago
Ingrid Haug
Ingrid Haug
Verified ownerVerified owner

What a wonderful experience!
I really enjoyed meeting the dogs, help getting them setup for tour and cuddling them like a maniac - they are incredibly cute! This was a great tour - with a really nice guide, beautiful nature, and a relaxing athomsphere.

2 months ago
Ingrid Haug
Ingrid Haug
Verified ownerVerified owner

Great walk in beautiful beature with great guide! Learned a lot about Inuit culture and the changiing natural conditions iin the area. Not so difficult to walk this tour ;-)

2 months ago
Rasmus Krøigaard
Rasmus Krøigaard

Great tour!

2 months ago

Even though it turned out to be a cloudy night my guide picked me up and made every effort for me to see the Northern Lights. We drove all over town in between stops. I really enjoyed seeing and hearing about all of the landmarks in town and the history of Nuuk and Greenland. My guide was extremely knowledgeable. He was persistent in his pursuit and eventually he did find an opening in the cloud cover and I saw the Northern Lights and got some get photos. It was a great 2 hours.

3 months ago
Mads Rasmussen
Mads Rasmussen

I went to this camp in the spring two years ago, and it was such a great experience. Itisoq is truly magical – waking up to breathtaking views, enjoying breakfast in front of the epic cliffs across the bay, and exploring the area on scenic hikes. Fishing was a highlight, especially since we got to enjoy our catch right away in a traditional soup. The whole vibe was amazing! The guides were local and super friendly and had a huge knowledge about the nature around us.

3 months ago

Loved this tour, we stay the night in real igloo, I thought it would be cold, but we had very warm sleeping bags so it was really unique experience. To get there we used snowmobiles and I also try snowshoes for the first time! All in all amazing tour very nice and helpful guides.

3 months ago

Loved this tour, the views were amazing. We reached the small wooden hut where we got a hot drink with a view of the fjord.
I would advice taking some snacks, chocolate with you.

3 months ago

This is the best way to experience Greenland if you’re into nature! The camp was awesome, and the guides were super friendly and knowledgeable. If you’re in Nuuk, definitely carve out a few days for this tour — it’s a massive experience you won’t forget!

3 months ago
Olivia K.
Olivia K.

Had a great time on the tour!
We got transfer with closed boat, comfortable and warm even it was minus degrees outside.
Settlement was really cozy and beautiful, we talk small walk and in the end enjoyed nice lunch!

3 months ago
Joana Kiels
Joana Kiels

Great tour! We sailed around 2 hours trough the beautiful fjord, saw some icebergs on the way. In the settlement we have time to take a walk, visit a small church and local shop. Very cute place with friendly people.

4 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Despite the moon was shining bright, finally we could see the Northern Lights. The guide is very nice and knowledgeable, who will do all his best to please you.

4 months ago
Astrid Møller
Astrid Møller

We are happy we got to try dogsledding!
We came to Ilulissat with our small kids so it was a prefect solution for us to try dogsledding together with our little ones. The tour was short so we weren't afraid they will get cold. Of course we dress them in many layers to make sure they are warm.
Staff and dogs were very friendly!

4 months ago
Olivia Greer
Olivia Greer

Had a great tour, we sell out of Nuuk still with some nice colors of sunset. Short after that we got out of city lights and saw Northern lights.
It was a good tour, could stay outside but also be warm insight the boat cabin.

4 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Esperienza fantastica! La guida ci ha condotto in un luogo dove abbiamo potuto, fortuna nostra, ammirare una sorprendente Aurora insieme ad un gruppo simpaticissimo di persone. La serata è finita allegramente tra chiacchiere e una buona bevanda che ci ha scaldato. Esperienza da fare, sicuramente.

4 months ago

Explore Greenland

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