Is your dream to see the Northern Lights but you want to do it in relative comfort? Join us on a drive to the darkest sites around Nuuk for the best views of the Aurora Borealis.
Your local guide will meet you at the departure location 15 minutes prior. But make sure you dress for the cold! In order to have an unobstructed panorama of the lights as they dance across the sky, you will want to get out at each of the different stops. The good news is that the warm car is always right there, in case you do get cold while outside admiring nature’s light show.
As you drive through Nuuk, your guide will explain a little about the city and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as you would like. You will also be treated to hot chocolate to help keep you warm as you admire the views.
As with any Northern Lights experience, it is important to remember that the lights are unpredictable and may not appear - despite what forecasts may say. But be assured that your guide will do their utmost to give you the best experience possible and, if you are really unlucky, remember that you can rebook a place on a different night for free.
Rug up for one of nature’s most awesome displays, choose your preferred date and click Book Now.
If you want this trip on a day that is not available, send your inquiry to info@guidetogreenland.comActivities
Northern Lights
Northern Lights
Ana Mestre –
What a great tour this was! My first night in Nuuk and in Greenland was a cloudy one, but our guide Mads still tried every spot in town in the hunt for the stars and hence the Northern Lights. With no luck on our side he promptly offered to drive us the next day free of charge. On the following day there were some breaks in the clouds and there were the lights! It was so awesome! And adding to that the possibility of watching them from inside the heated car drinking hot chocolate made it perfect!
Also I must add that being a solo woman traveler I’ve always felt very safe.
Thank you Mads for going the extra-mile to make sure I saw the Northern Lights on my visit to Greenland and for being super kind!
Mette Petersen –
Jeg havde en fænomenal tur med Guide to Greenland. På grund af vejret, så var guiden kompetent og fleksibel og anbefalede en anden dag end den jeg havde bestilt, så jeg havde mulighed for at opleve dette naturfænomen.
Jeg kan klart anbefale Guide to Greenland. 🙂
Anne Lykke Pedersen –
I am very happy that I booked this trip. The guide, Mads, was very flexible and offered to reschedule twice to get the best chances possible for seeing the aurora.
When we went out he showed us much of the city while we waited for the lights to appear. The car was comfortable and hot and there was hot chokolate for us after we had stood outside and watched in the cold.
We saw the lights from several different places, so the hunt was successful.
Gabriela Zendejas Maldonado –
I had the pleasure to join this tour more than once and every single time has been wonderful! The guide was driving around Nuuk City, and made several stops in different spots so we all could enjoy northern lights with various landscapes. It was cold, but we also had a break with biscuits and hot chocolate. Fabulous trip!
Inesa Matuliauskaitė –
Amazing Northern light tour! Friendly and kind guide, a cozy car ride and delicious hot chocolate!!! Thank you!
Cecilie Krytz –
Jeg vil gerne give Guide to Greenland mine allervarmeste anbefalinger. Vi havde en helt fantastisk oplevelse, hvor vi kørte rundt i alle afkroge af Nuuk, for at jagte nordlyset forleden. Vores guide hentede os, og kørte os rundt i byen i mere end to timer. Vi stoppede ved forskellige lokationer, fik en masse lokale tips og fortællinger om den grønlandske kultur og historie. Til trods for, at vi ikke var så heldige at nordlyset viste sig, havde vi en helt fantastisk tur. Vi ved, at der er tale om et naturfænomen, og at der derfor aldrig er garanti for at se nordlyset, men vores guide forsikrede os, at tage os på endnu en tur (på deres regning), for at lede efter det en anden gang. Vi følte i den grad, at turen oversteg vores forventninger, måske i særdeleshed fordi den endte med at blive anderledes end planlagt, men bestemt ikke mindre værd.
Igen, tusind tak! Vi glæder os til at komme på nordlys-tur en anden gang!
Stephanie Brondt Mašková Pedersen (verified owner) –
Jeg havde en fantastisk oplevelse på Nordlys-turen, som virkelig oversteg alle mine forventninger (som i forvejen var tårnhøje!). Jeg blev hentet ved mit overnatningssted, og så kørte vi rundt til forskellige afkroge af byen, imens mørket faldt mere og mere på. Min guide var Mads, som har en stor viden og kærlighed til både byen, naturen og grønlandsk kultur, og han var virkelig generøs med sin indsigt og refleksioner. Det var meget berigende at få en dybere forståelse for byen, og det var en stor ekstragevinst ved turen, som jeg slet ikke havde regnet med, og som gjorde selve køreturen i sig selv alle pengene værd.
Derudover kender Mads alle de gode steder at spotte nordlyset fra og var meget opmærksom på at gøre min oplevelse speciel, så selvom jeg havde set det første af nordlyset på himmelen og haft en fantastisk oplevelse med det, kørte vi mellem de gode spots lang tid efter, de to timer, som jeg havde betalt for, var løbet ud, fordi det så ud til at bygge op og blive endnu vildere. Og det blev det! Vi endte med at se det smukkeste nordlys bevæge sig på himlen – en virkelig magisk oplevelse!
Derudover fik vi en lækker kakao undervejs, og Mads tog nogle rigtig gode billeder, som jeg til sidst fik over på min telefon. Generelt var det fedt at mærke, at det ikke var en oplevelse baseret på en gentagelse af en fast skabelon – jeg oplevede nærværende samtaler og at dele begejstringen for nordlyset. Guide to Greenland får mine allervarmeste anbefalinger! Det er uden tvivl også en tur, jeg selv vil tage på igen, når jeg næste gang besøger Nuuk.
Mariana –
We were very lucky of booking this tour. The guide was perfect! He drove us through Nuuk and the best places to see the Northen Lights. He was very patient looking for the best spots. We were a couple with a 2 months baby and everything was very good. And he took amazing pics for us! We definitely recommend !!!! Congrats for the wonderful job!
Linda Cruse (verified owner) –
Thank you so much. An experience that exceeded all of my expectations. Mads is a wonderful guide and host, he is informative and kind with a great sense of humour. He is also determined to deliver the most memorable experience. Mads drove us to the darkest spots of Nuuk to get the best sightings possible. We were very lucky and could see the northern lights throughout our whole experience. To witness such a phenomenon is truly breathtaking. The hot chocolate was delicious. A highly recommended tour and a brilliant guide. I will be back.
Linda Cruse (verified owner) –
Thank you so much. An experience that exceeded all of my expectations. A wonderful guide and host, informative and kind with a great sense of humour. The guide is also determined to deliver the most memorable experience, and drove us to the darkest spots of Nuuk to get the best sightings possible. We were very lucky and could see the northern lights throughout our whole experience. To witness such a phenomenon is truly breathtaking. The hot chocolate was delicious. A highly recommended tour and a brilliant guide.
Bente –
We went on the most amazing nothern light tour. Our guide knew all the cool places and had many good storys about Nuuk. I had my 6 years old daughter on the tour and she had a blast. Big recommendation from us!
Frederikke Nielsen –
Thank you so much for an amazing guided car-trip around Nuuk with multiple spots to watch the incredible Northern Lights. We had a wonderful time with our guide, who was great company and had plenty to tell about Nuuk. We can only recommend others to do the same and book this tour, to truly get a feel of everything Nuuk has to offer and get the most beautiful views of the city and the Northern Lights 🙂
Kinds regards,
Peter A. Stowell –
The pick-up at the Landing at the end of the cruise for my “Northern Lights Tour” was perfectly timed by the Driver; however, mist and the sky full of clouds denied any chance of seeing the “Lights”. Nevertheless we still went ahead with the two-hour search which was most enjoyable.
To conclude I had a memorable visit to Greenland, so wish to thank you for your help in organizing the two Tours.
Olga R. –
Tak for en rigtig god tur, både Nuuk sightseeing og afslutning med nordlyset!
Turen inspireret mig til at vandre ud rundt omkring Nuuk for at se om jeg kunne få bedre billeder!
Chris Tran (verified owner) –
We booked the northern light tour. It was a 2 hours tour with Mads as our tour guide. Mads drove us around in his SUV. During the tour, Mads drove us around Nuuk and enlightened us with the history and the uniqueness of Nuuk. We drove to multiple super dark spots but unfortunately we didn’t see northern light that night. Nonetheless it was a great experience.
We would highly recommend.
Rasmus Krøigaard (store manager) –
This tour was good fun. It was a great way to catch some Northern Lights and see a lot of hidden gems in Nuuk! Luckily, we had a green sky during the evening! Moreover, the guide Mads was a super fun guy and he shared a lot of information about the city and Greenland in general. I highly recommend this tour 🙂
Constance V. –
Really enjoyed seeing Nuuk by night and despite a stormy weather, Mads could drive in every spot and we could observe northern lights. A warm drink made it even better. Mads knows a lot about the history of the city and has a great experience of Greenland. I recommend!
Charlotte Persson (verified owner) –
Virkelig god tur.
Vi fik set store dele af Nuuk samtidig med, at vi kørte efter Nordlys.
Vores guide var super sød, og var opsat på, at vi ville få set nordlys og var god til at fortælle om byen, historien og forklaringerne på Nordlys.
Helt klart anbefalelsesværdig, hvis man er i Nuuk!
Ann Marie Cunanan –
A big thanks to Guide to Greenland. While waiting to the lights to appear, the guide took us around town and told us stories about the history and life in Nuuk. Much more admirable is their passion to show the beauty of Greenland and what it can offer to the world. Top notch customer service and best intentions of starting this company! Super glad that at the final hour, despite the moon’s brightness, we were able to get a glimpse of the Norther Lights 🙂 Thank you so much for the wonderful evening of stories and Light hunting!
It was cloudy on the night we took the Northern Lights in Nuuk. However, Inesa our guide was very good, she tried hard to find the best spot and move from one place to another in order for us to be able to see the Aurora Borealis. Since the sky was not that clear, we just saw a tiny shade of the Northern lights. We’re happy though 😃
Cheryl (verified owner) –
Very good guide! Unfortunately the weather didn’t cooperate but I still had a wonderful time.
Alexandra (verified owner) –
My guide was awesome. We tried to find the northern lights for two days but unfortunately no luck. It was still worth it for the driving tour of Nuuk and hot chocolate. Thank you!
Natán Redondo (verified owner) –
A nice experience!
Our Guide was very profesional,polite and hepfull.
He come to our location and because It was too cloudy he offered us to try It the next day.
So we do that, It was also cloudy but he drived around the whole city to find the best places to see the Northern Lights. Even It was a cloudy day too,we finallly could see some of them,
It was very beautifull and our first time.
We recommend It.
Thank you very much to our Guide!!
Sören Dauter (verified owner) –
The best and most personal tour I could imagine.
We got a marvellous view of the northern lights from a perfect viewing spot, and I still get the good kind of shivers, when I think back to it.
The guide was awesome, as he was personally interested in giving us a great experience, told us a lot of interesting background knowledge about Nuuk and Greenland, much from his personal experience, drove us around to the best spots to view northern lights and also see much uf Nuuk and even prolonged the trip by one hour, as the northern lights only got visible after 10 o’clock. He was incredibly passionate about his job and did his very best to make the experience unforgettable. Thank you so much!
Luda Krasselt (verified owner) –
Excellent opportunity to see the elusive northern lights with a professional guide! The Guide was very helpful in letting us know when and where are the best times to see aurora even after the tour ended. I am so happy we got an opportunity to experience aurora for the first time!
David (verified owner) –
Had an awesome time on the hunt for the Northern Lights and saw them at each stop! We took some beautiful photos and heard wonderful stories. Great experience – highly recommend it!
Adarsh nair –
A most >>Hyggelig<< evening with a kind and knowledgeable guide. We got very lucky with the lights and got some amazing photos that he took for me. The tour was more than northern lights – and he gave me a nice tour around town and we talked about Greenlandic culture. The delicious hot chocolate was the perfect end to the perfect tour.
Thank you.
Mariano Ignacio Sanchez (verified owner) –
Had the best Northern Lights tour with a friendly and educational guide who introduces you to the Aurora Borealis world and Greenland people.Fun and learning experience with answers to all your questions and useful tips about Nuuk and Greenland ( 2 places the guide clearly loves ) Not only the guide goes an extra mile and takes extra time to meet the Lights,He makes sure your Nuuk experience remains unforgettable in many ways. Mariano SANCHEZ ( Argentina)
Gianni (verified owner) –
Great tour.
It was partly cloudy but we set off on our adventure to hunt for the northern lights.
We tried many places with no luck, then finally at our last stop they appeared.
This only happened due to our guides excellent knowledge and his never give up attitude and his desire for us to see the lights.
Thank you
Pascal (verified owner) –
Sehr gute preiswerte Tour. Bei perfekten Bedingungen waren zu beginn noch keine Lichter zu sehen. Der Tourguide gab nicht auf und fuhr von Punkt zu Punkt in ganz Nuuk und erzählte/zeigte nebenbei noch interessante Dinge über Nuuk selbst, ist also fast auch noch ein bisschen wie ne Besichtigung der Stadt.
Ganz zum Schluss war es dann doch noch zu sehen. Und es war ihm auch nicht leid noch ein bisschen Überzeit zu machen 🙂
Emma –
Great tour. Made us very knowledgeable and passionate about Greenland, including the people and culture.
Was not expecting to see the lights given cloud and rain and the Guide was upfront about this to begin. However, luck was on our side and we were able to see from a number of spots.
The Guide was very entertaining and funny. Small group tour. Would highly recommend. Thank you.
Frei (verified owner) –
እንደዚህ አይነት የማይረሳ ምሽት ከእንደዚህ አይነት ደግ እና በጣም እውቀት ያለው አስጎብኚ ጋር. በሰሜናዊ auroras መደሰት ብቻ ሳይሆን ስለ ግሪንላንድ እና ስለ ኑክ ታሪክ ከአስጎብኚያችን ብዙ መማር ችለናል። ወደ ሁሉም አስፈላጊ የኑኡክ ጥግ ወሰደን እና የዚህን አስደናቂ ሀገር ታሪክ እድገት ነገረን። ትኩስ ካካዎ መጠጣት በአስደሳች አውሮራዎች ስር የተሻለ ጣዕም ነበረው። መልካም ስራህን ቀጥል።
Irene C. (verified owner) –
Amazing tour!
The guide brought us to several locations to see the beautiful northern light and helped us taking a few amazing pictures. In the meantime, he also provided both scientific knowledge and the religious beliefs of the northern light. Besides, the guide introduced us the building, the history and the culture of Nuuk.
I highly recommend this tour.
Rachel A (Switzerland) –
Magnifique soirée d’aurores boréales.
Le 10 mars 2024, j’ai rendez-vous directement à mon hôtel (ce qui est appréciable) avec ce guide.. J’ai eu déjà un très bel accueil de sa part.
Nous parcourons la ville et il m’explique tous les endroits.
Il se rend compte qu’il y a trop de nuages et donc probablement pas d’aurores.
Il me propose bien gentiment de voir si le lendemain matin à 5h il y aura des aurores et il me préviendra. Ce que j’accepte. Malheureusement, pas d’aurore visible, selon lui et il m’envoie un mail pour me prévenir et me proposer de repousser le rendez-vous au soir.
Donc le 11 mars, il vient me chercher, nous parcourrons plusieurs endroits où nous pourrions voir des aurores. Et là, la magie opère: une heure de pure merveille.
Encore un grand merci à pour ce guide, pour sa disponibilité et sa gentillesse.
Annette (verified owner) –
Tak for en fantastisk aftenjagt på Nordlyset i Nuuk. Det lykkes til sidst og hvilken oplevelse, tak for synet. Som guiden sagde, “hvis I er glade, så er vi glade” og ja – jeg var glad for oplevelsen. Kan stærkt anbefales 🙏🇬🇱
Daniel Møller (verified owner) –
I unfortunately did not get to see any Northern Lights but the local guide worked really hard to make it happen. He was good at telling stories about Nuuk, Greenland and local customs in general which helped pass time while we were out looking for the Northern Lights.
Jade (verified owner) –
Had an amazing experience seeing the northern lights, which showed up better than I expected. Our guide Mads was very nice and drove us around Nuuk explaining some of the history while we waited for the lights to show. Once they appeared we drove to several locations to see the lights clearer. The photos he took for us came out excellent and the hot chocolate was a great addition. Thanks!
Stasys –
Sužinojome daug apie Nuuk miestą ir visą Grenlandiją: istoriją, žmones, tradicijas. Komanda darė daug pastangų ,, medžiojant” šiaurės pašvaistę, bet kaip ir kiekvienoje medžioklėje ne visada pasiseka. Buvo graži pažintis su šalimi, ir įdomus turas. Ačiū.
Michael C. (verified owner) –
The first northern light tour after summer this year and we saw the lights dancing all over the sky. Thank you our northern light hunter being such professional and enthusiastic. He also showed us around Nuuk and told us about the history and culture which is a big bonus for the trip. Since the light is continuously changing he took us to various viewpoints to take thousands of stunning photo. A lovely evening to spend joining this tour and it’s totally worth it!
Rob & Deb (verified owner) –
We booked the Nuuk Northern Lights tour and not only were we lucky to see a spectacular show of the lights but we also got to enjoy the company of our guide and a great evening of chatter and hot chocolate . A truly amazing experience and a faultless experience . Truly a 5 star evening
Tom W (verified owner) –
It was only the start of the northern light viewing season – but we managed to see so much!!
Huge thanks to our guide Mads, who was very patient in waiting for the sunlight to disappear and driving us to all the dark spots!!
Moreover, Mads gave us interesting facts about Nuuk, drove us around and explained the different places – it was Northern Light tour combined with city tour!
🇮🇪 Dorothy –
Amazing and truly memorable experience. Our guide Mads was fantastic and went above and beyond to make sure we all enjoyed the trip. To see the Northern Lights is something I’ve always wanted to do and I wasn’t disappointed. Mads even had hot chocolate for us, as we were gazing into the colour filled skies💚 l highly recommend this tour company thank you so much for an unforgettable adventure🙏
🇮🇪 Dorothy –
Amazing and truly memorable experience. Our guide Mads was fantastic and went above and beyond to make sure we all enjoyed the trip. To see the Northern Lights is something I’ve always wanted to do and I wasn’t disappointed. Mads even had hot chocolate for us, as we were gazing into the colour filled skies💚 Thanks so much for a wonderful adventure 🙏
Godinho (verified owner) –
It was a great experience. I loved very much and the guide is the best one. Thank you the tour
Ineida Godinho (verified owner) –
It was a great experience, I finally saw the northern lights and tankful a lot the the guide that was with me. He never given up and I’ve gone everywhere to see this marvelous
Israel (verified owner) –
Despite the moon was shining bright, finally we could see the Northern Lights. The guide is very nice and knowledgeable, who will do all his best to please you.
Gerald –
Even though it turned out to be a cloudy night my guide picked me up and made every effort for me to see the Northern Lights. We drove all over town in between stops. I really enjoyed seeing and hearing about all of the landmarks in town and the history of Nuuk and Greenland. My guide was extremely knowledgeable. He was persistent in his pursuit and eventually he did find an opening in the cloud cover and I saw the Northern Lights and got some get photos. It was a great 2 hours.