I am sailing in Greenland…

By Verified Expert

… Out in the wild and back in time. 

I just came back from the most amazing boatride out to the abandoned settlement Assaqutaq – the ghost town of Sisimiut. 

Abandoned and beautiful house on top of a mountain
Abandoned and beautiful

I’ll make this easy for you. This tour is full of adventure, majestic nature and history. I won’t spoil it too much cuz really, you should see this for yourself. So sit back, check out my pictures and ask yourself how fast you can get onboard and straight ahead to Sisimiut and Assaqutaq.

Great view of the water
Evenings with this kind of view, makes me so happy!

Seeing Assaqutaq is one thing – it is beautiful and sad at the same time.
However, sailing there and being on a boat on a night like this, is really something. So if you are in Greenland and you get the chance to go sailing, DO IT!!! 

Woman in knit sweater trying to spot seals
Spotting seals and feeling great

Niels, the captain, made sure we went by all the most perfect whale-spots, but unfortunately the whales took a day off. We did however spot two curious seals – who suddenly remembered that the hunting season was on-going, at left in a hurry.

A small red house in Greenland

This tour is for the nature-lovers, the historically interested, the culturally curious and for all those who enjoy being at sea just breathing in the salty, fresh air of wild nature.

I’m gonna go again soon, cuz honestly, I’m addicted by now!


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