Two Danes and the Seven Fish
Published: 18/10/2020
Reading time: 3 minutes
Do you consider going on a fishing trip, but are in doubt? Do it! We had the most perfect trip! It is incredible what 3 hours at sea can do, whether you catch a fish or not. However, the odds for catching a fish are in your favor.
Off we go!
Let us bring you along on our experience. The day was a beautiful day, with sunshine and almost no wind. We were met with a smile by the captain and the sailor, we were four people going besides the captain and the sailor. We set out from the Colonial Harbor at 2 o’clock filled with excitement, what was the trip going to bring?

We sailed into the Fjords of Nuuk, surrounded by mountains, beautiful blue water, and an occasional iceberg floating around. The good captain took us close to a stunning waterfall, where one could take some pretty pictures or even touch it.

We sailed for about an hour, which only felt like 10 minutes as time flies by in good company, to get to the perfect fishing spot. Even good company and a stunning view cannot beat the pride of catching your own fish.
This Maya felt firsthand, as she has never caught a fish before, the look of joy and pride on her face while catching a redfish tell us everything, just look at the picture and see for yourself.
But let us tell you something – pulling up one or two fishes on a jig is no easy job. But luckily, when help was needed and our arms were falling off, the captain and sailor were at rescue and helped us pull up the endless line.
Watch out sailor! Iceberg ahead!
After catching seven fish (!!) together, it was time to get a warm cup of coffee and a biscuit, which was needed, while heading home to Nuuk. While sailing back the atmosphere was filled with joy and pride of the prey. But our adventure was not yet done! Iceberg ahead!

Seeing it from a distance the iceberg looked quite small, but do not be fooled, as we closed in it was huge. We were blown away by the size, color, and beauty. The captain sailed so close that we could touch it, and one of the other passengers even got to cut off a piece to put to his fish.

Taking the adventure home
All of this sounds quite peaceful and harmonized, but the hardest was yet to come. After the three hours sailing trip we got home and had to fillet the fish. Have you ever filleted and rinsed your own fish? Well, we had not. And this was a real challenge. With sweat and tears and very cold fingers we managed to do it, only by the help of YouTube and our stubbornness.
As we are writing this, the cod is safe, and sound all sliced up and about to become ceviche and the redfish served its right at the pan. It is incredible what nature can bring you.

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